Black Friday: Neue Statements von Full-Tilt Poker! Eure Chance!


Bei Full-Tilt-Poker herrscht momentan Chaos. Standard-Mails auf Anfragen von Spielern, Geldauszahlungen funktionieren nicht bei jedem und irgendwie bekommt man das Gefühl nicht los, dass dort etwas im Busch ist. Full Tilt Poker hat nun darauf reagiert und eine offizielle Pressemitteilung herausgegeben:

„To our customers:

We acknowledge that our lack of communication reflects poorly on us, and rightfully so. We have been too optimistic in estimating how long it would take to sort through the issues we have faced since Black Friday. And as frustrating as the delays have been for us, we recognize that it cannot compare to the frustration you have been feeling.

We further recognize that our lack of communication has led to much speculation and many unsubstantiated rumors, which have often been contradictory. With this message, we hope to clear up as much confusion as we can, while at the same time keeping in mind the constraints imposed on us as a result of the cases brought in the Southern District of New York.

The most pressing questions:

1. When will the US players be paid?

We still do not have a specific timeframe for this. There has been, and remains, no bigger priority than getting US players paid as soon as possible, and we have been working around the clock to get this done.

2. Is FTP bankrupt?

No. FTP’s worldwide business is healthy and, although we’ve had some short-term challenges, it is operating as normal.


„The AGCC’s investigation into the affairs of it licensee Vantage Limited, trading as Full, is ongoing; initial investigations indicate no reason to believe that player fund transactions are fundamentally threatened by any consequence of the US authorities‘ actions. Delays caused by these actions are in the process of resolution, with normal service now being restored for non-US players. We understand that progress in respect of US player fund repatriation is anticipated and will be the subject of a separate statement from Full Tilt in due course. The Commission will remain engaged in this process.“

3. What is the company doing to speed up payouts to the US players?

We are raising capital to ensure that the US players are paid out in full as quickly as possible.

It is important to remember that Full Tilt Poker has always paid out our players, even in the face of previous legal obstacles or factors not in our control, such as payment processor defaults and prior actions by the US government which resulted in US player funds being seized.

In all of these previous instances, Full Tilt Poker has covered these losses and intends to do the same again.

4. Why are the Full Tilt Pros remaining silent?

It is not their choice. But they are constrained by the pending legal actions.

As a final note, we understand — and have always understood — the effect that our brief statements have had not only on our customers, but also on our reputation. It has not been easy to stay silent and watch the damage being done to our company brand and personal reputations, but we need to be mindful of the complicated and serious legal issues raised in the pending cases.“


Soweit die Ausführungen von Full-Tilt. Jedoch wurden nur ein Teil der häufigst gestellten Fragen beantwortet. Da die Redaktion in den letzten Wochen unzählige Anfragen bezüglich der Auswirkungen auf den deutschsprachigen Markt bekommen hat, haben wir uns entschlossen folgende Aktion zu starten: Die Full-Tilt Initiative.

Was bedeutet das? Da viele User wie bereits mehrmals erwähnt, nur Standard-Mails von Full-Tilt-Poker erhalten, werden wir uns nun um eure Fragen kümmern. Da Ihr uns wahrscheinlich mit hunderten Fragen bombardieren werdet, haben wir uns folgendes überlegt:

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Also ab an die Tasten. Was wolltet ihr bezüglich des Black Fridays und den Auszahlungen von Full-Tilt wissen? Was bedrückt Euch am meisten?

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