Matt Marafioti tiltet auf twitter: „I don’t enjoy banging Lauren Kling“


Matt Marafioti hat sich offenbar von Lauren Kling getrennt. Öffentlich verkündete er auf twitter das Aus und nimmt dabei kein Blatt vor den Mund. Er tiltet förmlich. Im Minutentakt beschuldigt er Lauren der Untreue und behaupt Sie habe ihn mit mehreren Poker-Spielern betrogen.

Am Sonntagabend zog Matt Marafioti die Samthandschuhe aus und twitter schonungslos ein paar hässliche Sachen über Lauren Kling. Er beschuldigte sie, ihn mit ein paar Poker-Spielern während der diesjährigen WSOP betrogen zu haben! Sie sei eine Betrügerin, eine Lügnerin und habe vor niemand Respekt.

Matt behauptete sie habe unter anderem mit Yevgeney Timoshenko, Chad Batista, R Jules und Mike Sowers geschlafen. Gab aber auch gleichzeitig zu, sie ebenfalls betrogen zu haben.

Mit einer beeindruckenden Geschwindigkeit jagte ein Tweet den nächsten.Immer wieder wurde Lauren Kling beschimpft. Matt tiltete förmlich und tweetete einige brisante Details über Kling. Inwieweit diese der Wahrheit entsprechen, wissen wahrscheinlich nur er und Lauren Kling.



Hier ein paar Auszüge aus dem Tweet. Den kompletten findet ihr hier.

12:55 – Someone named LK who I used to date is a huge cheater, a liar, has no respect for anyone other then herself.

12:55 – I can’t believe that Dan Shak would want to stake such a fish, one who has no shot of ever winning or breaking even without Sowers ghosting.

1:06 – She cheated on me with ZakAttack that little fab haha ‪#PIMP‬. She lies, she steals, she will do anything for an extra 20$ edge on you guys.

1:06 – She cheated on me with Yevgeney, and who knows who else. She has no respect for anyone but herself. My quality of life just went up x10000.

1:07 – This time she used up all of her chances and will realize I absolutely hate her now and want nothing to do with her. She is calling me!#RING

1:07 – Last night I told her if she wanted to see me she would have to lick my bum, but did not tell her why. #ThenIPutMyBumOnHerFace

1:10 – It’s no wonder that everyone has told me to shower this girl… Her own friends have no respect for her. That’s not what she thinks though.

1:14 – This girl cheated on me last WSOP and then did it again this WSOP with multiple people I know to try and sabotage my poker career. #WINTIME

1:16 – She just needs fake tits now and she will be a top gold digger in the making… Anyways, for me she’s a dime a dozen.

1:39 – I really did <3 her, I guess thats why I would pop her disgusting pimples on her back that she always has a lot of.

2:28 – If you’re good @poker + want 2 sleep w/ LK all you have to do is MSG her on FB. #WhatIDidWhenSheWasDatingSowers#WhatGoesAroundComesAround!

2:35 – I will correct myself in saying that she only has a hairy butt hole some of the time… She does get it waxed, sometimes. #ItGrowsBackFast

3:21 – I slept with 4 other girls in the last year, thats just full on, home runs… I have also been with others… That was w/ her… #TIme2Pimp

3:23 – I could never respect a girl who manipulates men, uses her sex appeal to climb the social ranks, and cheats on a BF w/ his acquaintances.

3:31 – Just last week I had sex with another girl, and I hooked up with another who was turned off because I had a GF. HAHA. Some GF. #NoGF#Single

3:33 – Now that I swiped her anal V card x100, + don’t enjoy banging her, I will throw her used rim back in the pond. #ThrowingTrashIntoGarbage

3:35 – She says she has only slept with 4 guys in her life including me… Those counting skills explain her poker play too. #NotEvenBreakEvenLOL

4:06 – „@seanmurray139: How filthy is she?“ She’s had a yeast infection for about 3 months, +doesn’t know a doctor, so she hasn’t gone. #Delusional

5:52 – Her dad used 2 bang prostitutes that were literal crack heads + wife them. She hated how he picked them over her. Now she is 1. #Doesnt♥Her

5:53 – She takes out the fact her dad did not love her, and only cared about money, on innocent guys who come into her life + listen to her lies.

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