WPT und GSOP Live findet im Casino Baden statt +++Update+++


Es ist offiziell. Die WPT und die GSOP Wien finden nicht wie geplant im Montesino, sondern im Casino Baden statt. Hochgepokert.com hat von PartyPoker eine offizielle Pressemitteilung erhalten, die wir unseren Lesern nicht vorenthalten:

PLYMOUTH, United Kingdom (February 5, 2013) – Austrian Poker Festival organisers and partners including the WPT and GSOP Live, are pleased to announce that an executive decision has been made to relocate the WPT Main Event, GSOP Live Main Event and some of the festival’s side events to the upscale Casino Baden, Austria.

The decision to move to the new casino venue has been made in order to ensure that players and selected tournament events within the festival receive the best experience possible.

Casino Baden has been selected due to its commanding reputation and its close proximity to Vienna, with the casino located just 30 minutes’ drive from the official Austrian Poker Festival hotel, the Imperial Riding School Renaissance.

Complimentary transportation has been arranged courtesy of the event organisers, WPT and GSOP Live, giving players regular access to free transport to and from the casino for the duration of the festival.

A full, updated schedule, including all details on transportation, extra events and player services will be issued and published online in due course.

Further information on updates to the Austrian Poker Festival can be accessed via:


The tournament is hosted by Casinos Austria under the restrictions of the Austrian law on Games of Chance.

15:30 Uhr – Zusammenfassend sieht es für die Spieler wie folgt aus: 

Die WPT und die GSOP Live Tourstops finden statt. Der Termin verändert sich nicht, allerdings die Location. Denn der Austragungsort wurde ins Casino Baden verlegt. 

Um den Spielern den Locationwechsel so angenehm wie möglich zu machen, gibt es vor Ort einen kostenlosen Shuttleservice. Des Weiteren wird der Schedule und die Buy-Ins angepasst. Nähere Informationen findet ihr zeitnah auf www.austrianpokerfestival.com.

Weitere Informationen folgen!


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