Sunday Grind: „boahgerding“ gewinnt Sunday 500


Starker Auftritt der deutschsprachigen Grinder beim gestrigen Sunday Grind auf PokerStars. ‚boahgerding‘ sicherte sich den Titel beim „Sunday 500“. Den dicksten Scheck bekam allerdings „le_marc08“, der bei der Sunday Million für den dritten Platz rund $117.000 bekam. 

Beim gestrigen Sunday Grind sorgten die deutschsprachigen Spieler für einen starken Auftritt. Insgesamt gab es 11 Final Table Platzierungen, vier Spieler landeten auf dem Treppchen und „boahgerding“ schnappte sich den Sieg beim „Sunday 500“. Er setzte sich gegen 796 Spieler durch und durfte sich über rund $65.000 freuen. 

Aber auch die üblichen Verdächtigen waren wieder einmal erfolgreich. Bitter für „dönig“: Er schaffte es drei Mal unter die Top 50, erreichte allerdings nie den Final Table. Besser hingegen machte es „lissi stinkt“, der zunächst beim Sunday Kickoff auf Rang 25 landete. Kurz darauf gab es noch einen 16. Platz beim „Bigger $109“ und zu guter Letzt einen erfolgreichen zweiten Platz beim Sunday Super Sonic für $37.000. 

Die einzelnen Ergebnisse:

PokerStars Sunday Kickoff, No Limit Hold’em
Buy-in: $100.00/$9.00 USD
1872 Spieler
Preispool gesamt: $187200.00 USD 

1: 2MuchSk1LL (Netherlands), $27025.52 (14.436%)
2: nemmad (Netherlands), $25390.48 (13.563%)
3: IZSHUA (Russia), $16848.00 (9%)
4: MarcoMorais (Brazil), $12308.40 (6.575%)
5: meneerbeer (Netherlands), $8892.00 (4.75%)
6: ZORG2010 (Russia), $6926.40 (3.7%)
7: BIack88 (Russia), $5054.40 (2.7%)
8: xbet_kiddi (Czech Republic), $3276.00 (1.75%)
9: jutrack (Germany), $1872.00 (1%)

20: svArminia08 (Germany), $711.36 (0.38%)
25: lissi stinkt (Germany), $711.36 (0.38%)
27: proestler81 (Germany), $711.36 (0.38%)
32: lil monster3 (Austria), $617.76 (0.33%)
37: erkyil (Germany), $524.16 (0.28%)
43: Osthans (Germany), $524.16 (0.28%)
44: Blaume (Germany), $524.16 (0.28%)

PokerStars Sunday Warm-Up, No Limit Hold’em
Buy-in: $200.00/$15.00 USD
3689 Spieler
Preispool gesamt: $737800.00 USD 

1: MetalHelmet (Mexico), $99000.00 (13.418%)
2: stato_1 (United Kingdom), $71813.34 (9.733%)
3: isla_86 (Norway), $63015.38 (8.54%)
4: raulbcn (United Kingdom), $71621.65 (9.707%)
5: tunnny (Canada), $31356.50 (4.25%)
6: RuiNF (Portugal), $23978.50 (3.25%)
7: gosuoposum1 (Ukraine), $16600.50 (2.25%)
8: SamyDx (Switzerland), $9222.50 (1.25%)
9: delaney_kid (Australia), $5902.40 (0.8%)

14: schmier1 (Germany), $3320.10 (0.45%)
18: Bart0071 (Germany), $2213.40 (0.3%)
26: flyflo (Germany), $1881.39 (0.255%)
32: Umumba (Germany), $1660.05 (0.225%)
34: Skarazza (Germany), $1660.05 (0.225%)
35: txyz0234 (Germany), $1660.05 (0.225%)

PokerStars Sunday Rebuy, No Limit Hold’em
Buy-in: $100.00/$9.00 USD
1041 Spieler
Preispool gesamt: $337000.00 USD

1: iliadivilia (Netherlands), $46486.78 (13.794%)
2: DeeWeVoL (Canada), $51347.42 (15.236%)
3: Dennis2410 (Denmark), $43368.80 (12.869%)
4: SCHNEEGGE (Switzerland), $25275.00 (7.5%)
5: Solomolo (Denmark), $17692.50 (5.25%)
6: OMGjonyctt (United Kingdom), $14322.50 (4.25%)
7: yasunori66 (Japan), $10952.50 (3.25%)
8: Elektrikas (Lithuania), $7582.50 (2.25%)
9: bastet2004 (Germany), $4718.00 (1.4%)

13: Ringelsdorf (Austria), $2864.50 (0.85%)
15: H.Oussalé (Germany), $2864.50 (0.85%)
17: Phemo (Germany), $2190.50 (0.65%)
25: Dönig (Germany), $1516.50 (0.45%)

PokerStars Big 109, No Limit Hold’em
Buy-in: $100.00/$9.00 USD
3192 Spieler
Preispool gesamt: $319200.00 USD 

1: 4kinghellll (United Kingdom), $50274.67 (15.75%)
2: jliberta146 (Canada), $37506.00 (11.75%)
3: rebelwinner1 (Romania), $26812.80 (8.4%)
4: moneyinbag (Mexico), $18354.00 (5.75%)
5: Kappustahead (Canada), $13885.20 (4.35%)
6: CaptainGant (Russia), $10693.20 (3.35%)
7: Javifdez10 (Portugal), $7501.20 (2.35%)
8: imtoontje (Netherlands), $4315.58 (1.351%)
9: MookSha (Israel), $2713.20 (0.85%)

 10: Obär89 (Germany), $1995.00 (0.625%)
15: SebbyGl (Germany), $1516.20 (0.475%)
16: lissi stinkt (Germany), $1037.40 (0.325%)
19: TIETYMM (Germany), $877.80 (0.275%)
20: lilpromile (Germany), $877.80 (0.275%)
37: Aces4Loli (Switzerland), $670.32 (0.21%)
50: „0PIGGYBANK“ (Germany), $606.48 (0.19%)

PokerStars Turnier Sunday Million, No Limit Hold’em
Buy-in: $200.00/$15.00 USD
7805 Spieler
Preispool gesamt: $1561000.00 USD 

1: Tonaldinho11 (Netherlands), $234150.00 (15%)
2: Sieder85 (United Kingdom), $171710.00 (11%)
3: le_marc08 (Germany), $117075.00 (7.5%)
4: czowel (Poland), $78674.40 (5.04%)
5: drjovaside (Bosnia and Herzegovina), $62440.00 (4%)
6: aakkari (Brazil), $46830.00 (3%)
7: Boomaloom (Ireland), $31220.00 (2%)
8: CHUBSTER (Canada), $17951.50 (1.15%)
9: aspoker1234 (Argentina), $12097.75 (0.775%)

10: Nell (Austria), $8351.35 (0.535%)
14: eugens218 (Germany), $6244.00 (0.4%)
17: BIH Buzim (Switzerland), $4136.65 (0.265%)
22: iseekyou1337 (Germany), $3434.20 (0.22%)
30: Fabo2442 (Germany), $3122.00 (0.2%)
36: ziba906 (Switzerland), $3122.00 (0.2%)
40: strip23 (Germany), $2887.85 (0.185%)
47: jahusen (Austria), $2653.70 (0.17%)

PokerStars Sunday 500, No Limit Hold’em
Buy-in: $500.00/$30.00 USD
797 Spieler
Preispool gesamt: $398500.00 USD 

1: boahgerding (Germany), $64767.50 (16.252%)
2: ricardons8 (Brazil), $58767.50 (14.747%)
3: Bandano (Netherlands), $38654.50 (9.7%)
4: goleafsgo41 (Canada), $28891.25 (7.25%)
5: bonito1982 (Germany), $20084.40 (5.04%)
6: HighTimesSwe (Sweden), $16099.40 (4.04%)
7: MVPAT (Canada), $12114.40 (3.04%)
8: cal42688 (Mexico), $8169.25 (2.05%)
9: toril274 (Russia), $4981.25 (1.25%)

19: FabOne1986 (Germany), $1833.10 (0.46%)
28: bossamtisch (Germany), $1633.85 (0.41%)
39: Pimola (Germany), $1434.60 (0.36%)
42: floebbi (Germany), $1434.60 (0.36%)

PokerStars Big $162, No Limit Hold’em
Buy-in: $150.00/$12.00 USD
1702 Spieler
Preispool gesamt: $255300.00 USD 

1: BadLuck82 (Romania), $41882.19 (16.405%)
2: Havana85 (United Kingdom), $30636.00 (12%)
3: 3aHocKanycmy (Russia), $22977.00 (9%)
4: Pokeradda (India), $17105.10 (6.7%)
5: bnxr80 (Malta), $12126.75 (4.75%)
6: edapa76 (Colombia), $9573.75 (3.75%)
7: The Lag rat (Costa Rica), $7020.75 (2.75%)
8: thomafos (Norway), $4467.75 (1.75%)
9: Tricky E007 (Netherlands), $2553.00 (1%)

11: Pokumil (Germany), $2016.87 (0.79%)
36: TMMPOKPOK (Germany), $868.02 (0.34%)
45: blony_tair (Germany), $740.37 (0.29%)
49: anicapvk (Germany), $663.78 (0.26%)

PokerStars Sunday 2nd Chance, No Limit Hold’em
Buy-in: $200.00/$15.00 USD
1365 Spieler
Preispool gesamt: $273000.00 USD 

1: cal42688 (Mexico), $47119.80 (17.26%)
2: Joshk1981 (Australia), $34125.00 (12.5%)
3: OutPlayD_77 (Australia), $25935.00 (9.5%)
4: jennyfuchs (Germany), $19000.80 (6.96%)
5: GearUp777 (Austria), $13513.50 (4.95%)
6: Renseriet (Denmark), $10783.50 (3.95%)
7: K0VAK (Bulgaria), $8053.50 (2.95%)
8: AlusivPnkBny (Mexico), $5323.50 (1.95%)
9: nilsef (Germany), $3003.00 (1.1%)

11: WushuTM (Austria), $2429.70 (0.89%)
42: Jeb Gees (Switzerland), $873.60 (0.32%)
45: Dönig (Germany), $873.60 (0.32%)


PokerStars Sunday 6-Max, No Limit Hold’em
Buy-in: $150.00/$12.00 USD
1042 Spieler
Preispool gesamt: $156300.00 USD 

1: Bazeman11 (Mexico), $26571.00 (17%)
2: d7o1d1s0 (United Kingdom), $19928.25 (12.75%)
3: MilanRabsz (Poland), $15161.10 (9.7%)
4: dynamoM (Russia), $10550.25 (6.75%)
5: MaltLiquor40 (Canada), $7424.25 (4.75%)
6: carryhero (Canada), $4689.00 (3%)

7: king2173 (Germany), $2891.55 (1.85%)
29: Lordhans (Switzerland), $812.76 (0.52%)
32: VernonH (Germany), $687.72 (0.44%)
35: Dönig (Germany), $687.72 (0.44%)
41: Gambler4444 (Germany), $578.31 (0.37%)
48: I_M_ICM (Austria), $515.79 (0.33%)
49: PDance (Germany), $484.53 (0.31%)

PokerStars Super Sonic, No Limit Hold’em
Buy-in: $210.80/$4.20 USD
1357 Spieler
Preispool gesamt: $286055.60 USD 

1: pimenta7 (Brazil), $51605.21 (18.04%)
2: lissi stinkt (Germany), $37330.25 (13.049%)
3: andyhin22 (Australia), $28605.56 (10%)
4: LlKE A G6 (Czech Republic), $21454.17 (7.5%)
5: Thief0fchips (Canada), $15017.91 (5.249%)
6: driller6666 (Canada), $12157.36 (4.249%)
7: FairLaw (Russia), $9296.80 (3.249%)
8: cottroni (United Arab Emirates), $6436.25 (2.249%)
9: jadedjason (Canada), $4004.77 (1.399%)

17: skyscraper77 (Germany), $1573.30 (0.549%)
18: Sheeeeep (Germany), $1573.30 (0.549%)
28: Mossos (Germany), $743.74 (0.259%)
31: AUSTRIA-1000 (Austria), $743.74 (0.259%)
32: ronaldgrauer (Switzerland), $743.74 (0.259%)
47: didogadgeto (Germany), $572.11 (0.199%)

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